World Prayer

Readers I’ve got a favour to ask. It’s sort of a request for my Higher Power, you know the one I’m a slave to. Now it’s a bit of a impossible task He seems to want this prayer to be a world prayer.

Lord bring peace to the World, bring peace to our streets. Save us from the fires of hell. Bring mercy to those most in need and healing and safe haven to all until we reach our eternal home.

I know readers it’s a impossible task. How can a homeless, rough sleeper possibly get the world to pray a prayer?!!!

Praying World Prayer

Impossible task

So many problems with this task. Firstly there’s so many different religions, all adamant that theirs is the only true God. Then there’s the multitude of religions that say there’s lots of different God’s and Goddesses. Then there’s the people who say stop being silly there is no such thing as God! My Master says I’ll handle the details just get this world prayer to my people. Who am I to question? (Actually I used to question my Master. Through bitter experience and the grace of my Master’s care I now know better than to ask questions.)

Which God/Goddess/Gods?

Now this is a BIG question. A question so massively huge that people have been killed and wars fought over the answer. To be honest I’ve been terrified of even attempting to answer it. Comedians Monty Python joked that “nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition”. I’m wondering why they haven’t found me yet!

Seriously though I don’t actually know where to start when it comes to describing my Master. As for how my Master wants to be worshipped I dont know, how and why should I. Best ask my Master that question.

All I do know, simple slave that I am is that the world is a beautiful, diverse, wonderous place and I feel incredibly blessed and grateful for my life. Thinking about it, I know my Master created this world and everything on it, seems my Master likes variety. Prehaps there’s no set way my Master wants to be worshipped. Prehaps it’s the intent of the individual worshipping not the words, rituals etc that matters to my Master?

I just don’t know, I’m just a slave. Please direct all these big questions to my Master.

What Matters

What I do know is the world is hurting. It was hurting before coronavirus, now it’s screaming out in absolute agony. This matters far more than details like what my Master is, who has the 100% correct view of God and how God should be worshipped. The world’s screaming in pain that matters. That matters big time. THAT’S important!

World Prayer

So what can I do? I’m just one person who after praying last night in my sleeping bag sort of knew that I had to share and pray this prayer.

Lord bring peace to the World, bring peace to our streets. Save us from the fires of hell. Bring mercy to those most in need and healing and safe haven to all until we reach our eternal home.

Lots of people say prayer works. Others say there’s power in positive thoughts. Prehaps praying and sending out positive thoughts and vibes are actually the same thing?

I just don’t know but you know what we live in very strange times. These ducks were just sitting unmoving in Leicester Square London! Very strange. They’ve gone now.

Ducks in Leicester Square

Readers I have no idea how you can help with this impossible task, I know that there’s not many of you. Be creative and help if you can. I know better than to try to question my Master.

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